A Year in Reflection – 2022

Greeting readers! 

It’s that time of year again; the time to say goodbye to 2022, and hello to a new beginning in 2023! A lot has happened this year. Some positive, some negative, some challenging moments, moments of growth, and so much more! In this blog, we are looking back at the blogs from this past year. Before we dive into that, here are our final affirmations for 2022:

  • I am not stuck where I am at. I have the tools I need to make changes in my life.

  • I know who I am and what I want. I can do anything I set my mind to. 

  • I am grateful for today, and I will make the best of it. 

Now, we would like to encourage you to self-reflect on this past year. Self-reflection is taking the time to think about, evaluate and look back on your thoughts, actions, and feelings. Self-reflection is taking a look at the “why” and “how” of what has happened and how you are feeling/felt. Self-reflections are good at all times, especially at the end of a year. Often people come to the end of the year, and either feel like not much has been accomplished, or may feel like so much has happened and it’s hard to remember every event. This self-reflection encourages you to consider what has happened in 2022 by answering the following questions. Consider journaling your answers:

  • What was your happiest moment this year?

  • What were your biggest accomplishments this year? What did not go as planned? 

  • Did you make any new friends this year? Who in your life impacted you this year? 

  • What did you not accomplish this year, that you hope to accomplish in 2023?

If you are a fan of making new-year resolutions, answering these questions may guide you to a resolution for 2023. 

Next, let’s take a moment to reflect on this year’s blogs. Below is a list of all our blogs that were posted during 2023:













From all of us here at Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department, thank you to each of you for being a part of our journey this past year. Please continue to check in on our weekly blog posts in the new year. We here at Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!