National Exercise with Your Child Week

Greetings Readers!

Did you know that one in five children in America suffers from childhood obesity? But did you also know that childhood obesity can decrease with education? This year from August 7th through the 13th everyone is invited to participate in National Exercise with Your Child Week. This is an opportunity for parents and children to come together and get their muscles moving. The purpose of this is to promote healthy living amongst families. If you haven’t done so already, it is important that you and your family have a conversation about making health a family affair. Many of us spend most of our time with our family. Some of that time involves us just sitting or lying down with our eyes glued to a screen. This is a common habit that many build as a family. However, it’s important to be aware that this is putting our health at risk. Eventually, this can cause muscles, bones, and immune systems to weaken. Others can end up suffering from being overweight and having heart diseases. In addition, this can cause depression and anxiety, and many other risks. Because the human body is like a machine, we need to take care of it and give it daily exercise for it to function well. 

The good news is that you as a family can prevent these negative outcomes from happening. One of the first steps is to educate your children about exercise and why it’s essential for a good healthy life. Together you can start learning about exercise and planning different activities that can work for every individual. Together you can motivate, lift each other, and encourage while you are exercising. This is a great opportunity to also strengthen your relationships as a family and build that sense of unity. 

It is recommended by the CDC that children and parents exercise for 60 minutes at least 3 times a week. Of course, for some this may be difficult to start right away. However, with time, patience, and staying consistent, this can be a healthy habit you build as a family. Exercise doesn’t have to be a sweaty and difficult thing. It can be a fun and exciting activity where you can spend quality time together. Now, you may ask yourself, “Where do I start?”, “How can I exercise with my child?”, and “What exercise can we do that my child can stay engaged and participate in for 60 minutes?”. Here is where families have a meeting and discuss different exercise activities that everyone would like to do. It is important that children and adolescents participate and have a say in the discussion. Once everyone has come down to an agreement, then you plan out each day of the week.

Here are different forms of exercises you can do:

  • Hiking a mountain all the way to the top with an awesome view!

  • Walking, jogging, running, or biking a fun trail. 

  • Sign up for a dancing class or yoga class.

  • Play sports like soccer, volleyball, football, kickball, swimming, etc. 

  • Walk or run for charity!

  • Play music while you are exercising at home!

  • Go to the park and play frisbee, tag, jump rope, and hopscotch.  

There are many more ways you can celebrate exercising with your child. You can look on the internet or ask other parents what they do with their family. The important thing is that you are staying active and healthy. 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Organize and plan Exercise with Your Child Week with your family

  • Check locally to connect with other families taking part in your community 

  • Share with family and friends and invite them to join Exercise with Your Child Week

  • Continue educating yourself about why exercise is essential to good health and share with your family what you learned