Scholarships! What are they?

Greeting’s Readers!

Do you catch yourself saying things like…

  • “Ughhh scholarships.”

  • “I’m not a straight A student.”

  • “I have a hard time in school. There’s no point.”

WELL, THINK AGAIN! There are scholarship opportunities for everyone! You just need to buckle down and do the research to find the ones that fit you. Here is some information about what scholarships are and how they can fit into your life.

What is a scholarship?

Scholarships are a form of financial aid and are awards that are gifted to students who have applied to an undergraduate program (program for new college students) and filled out an application or FAFSA. Scholarships can also come as grants or in a large lump sum, but regardless they do not have to be paid back. 

What is financial aid?

Financial aid can be slightly confusing. It can be considered either money was given to you OR money you borrow. Since it can be both and come in many different forms, when accepting any aid offers make sure you are reading and understanding the fine print. It is important to know exactly what financial obligations you may be accepting responsibility for. 

Where do scholarships and aid come from?

These awards may come from all different sources, such as organizations/foundations, colleges, and universities, the government (federal aid/grants), businesses supporting different causes, or even an individual person. Each scholarship will have its own description and requirements, so just make sure to read carefully before applying. 

How do you use this money?

Sometimes the money will go directly to the school, and you are then either billed the remaining balance or mailed a check with the left-over funds. There are also times where a student may receive the entire award in a check form. This means that it is now the student’s responsibility to pay for their tuition and any other fees directly with the University. If awarded money in a check, it will be awarded to the student and can be spent on whatever they want. However, this is a good time to check to see what other school expenses you may have that didn’t fall under “tuition”. Things like supplies, a computer, library books, parking pass, housing, meal cards, etc. 

Who can get scholarships?

There are thousands of scholarships out there for everyone, and there is not one that is “one size fits all”. A lot of scholarships may seem like free money, but it does take some time and energy to apply and fill out the forms. It’s best not to wait and to start preparing as early as possible. It may also be helpful to start looking into what kind of scholarships may be interesting towards the start of high school. This will allow students to set goals and know what is expected out of them in the next 4 years of school. The more effort you put in, the higher chances you will have to receive scholarships and aid. You don’t have to be a straight-A student to earn a scholarship or financial aid, there are some you can be awarded just by participating in a club at school or in your community. 

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