Meet Our Team – Series Week 3

Greeting readers! 

Welcome back to week 3 of our 4-week series focusing on our Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department team and providing behind-the-scenes information on the contributions we make to the community through our grant! Week 3 is all about our health educators, whose focus for the past 2 grant years has been to deliver Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs and sexual health programs to youth in the Alhambra and Glendale regions. Before we dive in, here are this week’s affirmations: 

  • I am stronger than I know.

  • I am confident in my skills and knowledge.

  • My happiness is not based on others. I create my own happiness. 

Last week we met the three Prevention Supervisors, Alexis Perez, Karina Herrera, and Maria Tena. If you missed it, take a moment to look back! Now let’s meet the Health Educators of Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department, who were all asked different questions.

Daja Alexander

Hello! Even though I really love working as a Health Educator, nothing excites me more than connecting with people in more intimate settings. That is why I like to volunteer and travel. The most fun happens when you put yourself into new experiences.

What advice would you give to someone interested in a health educator role?

If someone was interested in becoming a health educator, I would advise them to come up with ideas. Your new innovative way of thinking is always needed in this field!

Just for fun: What do you collect and why do you collect those items?

I love to collect cinnamon roll items. He is a character in Sanrio, he’s just a little guy and has this calming energy that makes me happy, and I learn a lot from how he is marketed, and the stories Sanrio tells through him.

Jayne Hartley

Hello, I’m Jayne and I work as a health educator. I am an avid crafter and I love to spend time with my three cats.

What qualities/skills have helped you be successful in your position?

I really value learning and I actively try to understand different perspectives. Diversity is important to me, as well as using empathy.

Just for fun: If you could travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants, which would you pick and why?

If I could travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants, I would choose to meet my descendants. I am very interested to learn if the values I hope to pass down are still valued!

Jacquelyn Ortega

Hello! I am a Health Educator by day and a 24/7 dog mom to two crazy (but cute) Shih Tzus! I’m currently obsessed with watching shark videos and cooking new recipes! 

What does a typical day look like for you in your role?

One of my favorite things about being a Health Educator is that every single day looks a little different because it depends on what projects are currently happening. For example, during this past school year my days were filled with classes at various schools, so I was constantly on the go, driving from school to school implementing a social and emotional program to multiple grade levels. Occasionally community sites and schools would request sexual health programs that we offer, which would result in my schedule changing to include those new classes. During the summer, our team focuses on reviewing curriculum to ensure we’re providing accurate information to youth, developing new programs and trainings, and prepping for new projects coming up during the school year. 

Just for fun:  What’s your most sentimental gift that you have ever received?

The most sentimental gift I ever received was from a cousin and at the time, I was obsessed with all thing’s giraffe print. My cousin gave me a small stuffed giraffe that resembles a teddy bear, and she dressed it in a baby onesie that has a giraffe on it and put giraffe earrings on the stuffed animal. It was (and is because I still have it!) the cutest and most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. 

Sabrina Arreola

Hi y’all! My name is Sabrina, and I am a Health Educator. I enjoy crocheting and watching movies as a way of destressing and relaxing on my time off!

Being new to the team, what are you looking forward to accomplishing in the next year?

Being new to the team, I am looking forward to facilitating the programs and meeting all the youth we will be working with!

Just for fun:   What TV catchphrase do you most enjoy using? 

My favorite TV Catchphrase: 

“It’s gonna be LEGEN – wait for it — DARY, LEGENDARY!” -Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother 

Mikayla Morgan

Hello! I am a new health educator who just moved to Arizona from Texas. I enjoy traveling, being outdoors (hiking, paddle boarding, swimming, you name it), discovering new coffee shops, and going to concerts! 

Being new to the team, what are you most looking forward to in your position?  

I’m most looking forward to connecting with youth in the community and providing them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health!

Just for fun: If you could shop for free at one store, what store would it be and why?  

The idea of never buying groceries again sounds nice. So, if I could shop at one store for free, I would choose a grocery store that’s everywhere like Walmart.

Sebastian Rodriguez

Hello! My name is Sebastian, and I am from San Diego, California my pronouns are he/him. I am a new member working with Touchstone Health Services and I will be working as a community health educator and providing educational resources and services to adolescents in several different locations around the Glendale area. My favorite hobby that I love to participate in is Volleyball. I played both indoor and sand volleyball for over five years.

Being new to the team, what are you most looking forward to in your position?

Joining Touchstone this year is very exciting for me, and I am thrilled to be a part of a team that strives in helping local communities and at-risk adolescents. I look forward to coming to work knowing that I am an important piece of the puzzle. Working with Touchstone is fantastic, it does not matter your place in the company; everyone makes sure you know that you count. I am encouraged to seek new opportunities, collaborate with team members, and let our ideas come to life. I am very excited to start a new chapter in my life with Touchstone.

Just for fun: What destination do you hope to travel to one day, and why?

My dream travel destination is to travel to Hawaii and take a tour of every island. 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Challenge yourself to get to know one person a little better today. Getting to know others can increase feelings of belonging and purpose while decreasing stress levels. Whether it is a stranger, a friend, or a family member, there is always something new to learn about a person! Use some of the just-for-fun questions we used above or come up with your own! 
  • Visit this link to learn more: Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health

Don’t miss out on next week’s blog focused on Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department Community Liaisons and Community Coordinator! It will wrap up our 4-week team series!