Meet Our Team – Series Week 1

Greeting readers! 

We are dedicating this month to giving you an insight into our Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department. This week kicks off our 4-week series where each team member will answer a few questions about themselves and our grant. Before we go any further, here are this week’s affirmations:

  • I am dedicated to being the best version of myself I can be.

  • I am kind to myself and my development.

  • I am focused. So focused that I do not have the time or energy to compare myself to others or feel bad about my progress in comparison to someone else’s.

This first week is focused on our wonderful Clinical Director, Erica Chavez, and our amazing Assistant Director, Lydia Cossio. They both have answered the same questions regarding their contributions to the success of the department, and the communities we reach. Without further ado, here is what Erica and Lydia had to say!

Erica Chavez

Hi, I am the Clinical Director of three amazing, impactful departments at Touchstone- Prevention, Health Promotion, and School-Based Services. I love spending time with my family, enjoy binge-watching good TV, and going on trips.

How does your position contribute to the overall success of the grant?

I feel as if my role is to empower and support others so that they can focus on helping youth. Truly we see our work as a team approach and we work closely with schools, families, and the community to make sustainable change.

How do you as a director ensure that we are putting our plans into action?

We focus on quality outcomes of our program, through evaluation efforts, regular reporting and audits, monitoring data, and getting feedback. We do this regularly and collect outcomes to drive process improvement plans. We consistently are striving to improve the work that we do.

How does your position direct back to the community we serve?

All of our programs are influenced by community needs assessments to ensure we are focusing on issues relevant to the community. We involve the community in leadership roles to get feedback on our services. I am lucky to be involved in our coalition leadership meetings and ensure their voice is being heard.

What is your go-to productivity trick?

I am an effective multitasker which helps me to stay on top of tasks. I also schedule time for not just meetings but projects/reports that need to be completed so that time is accounted for and organized. 

Lydia Cossio

Hi, I am the Prevention and Health Promotion Assistant Director. I love the Dallas Cowboys (you either love them or hate them) and I love men in tight pants, I mean I love the Arizona Diamondbacks!

How does your position contribute to the overall success of the grant? 

In my role, I ensure that our team feels supported and that all deliverables and goals are being met. 

How do you as a director ensure that we are putting our plans into action? 

I normally work with the leadership team to discuss strategies and ways that they can work with the team to keep the excitement and passion for what they do. We also make sure that the team remembers how important what we do is and the impact that we make.  

How does your position direct back to the community we serve? 

It comes back to whether are we serving the families and youth we are supposed to be serving. Are we engaging the community in a fun way and providing education and resources to help them live their lives?

What is your go-to productivity trick? 

Well, this depends on how productivity is defined. If we are talking about outcomes? I really just make sure that we continue to do the things we enjoy doing and having fun every day and learning something different. No day is the same, coming to work every day with a goal in mind is essential. Even if it’s a little goal, it helps you feel successful for the day!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Take one step to make a difference in your community today! Remember, you don’t have to be in a specific job position to impact your community. Here are 3 suggestions for you to try:
    • Perform a random act of kindness for someone you do not know.
    • Write a positive review for a local business. 
    • Volunteer your time to a local organization or cause. 
  • Reach out to a young person in your life. Check in on them, and ask them how they are doing. Let them know that you are there for them if and when they might need you! 

Next week we will check in with a new question for the 3 supervisors of the Prevention Department and see what they have to say. Don’t miss out!