A Year in Reflection – 2021
Greeting’s readers!
The time has come to say goodbye to 2021, and hello to 2022! So much has happened this year, and it’s important to pause and take a look back and reflect on the events of the year. In this blog, we will take a look back at our blog, and provide self-reflection questions for you to consider. Before we dive into that, here are our final affirmations for 2021:
Now, we would like to encourage you to self-reflect on this past year. Self-reflection is taking the time to think about, evaluate and look back on your thoughts, actions and feelings. Self-reflection is taking a look at the “why” and “how” of what has happened and how you are feeling/felt. Self-reflections are good at all times, and especially at the end of a year. Oftentimes people come to the end of the year, and either feel like not much has been accomplished, or may feel like so much has happened and it’s hard to remember every event. This self-reflection encourages you to consider what has happened in 2021 by answering the following questions… Consider journaling your answers:
If you are a fan of making new-year resolutions, answering these questions may guide you to a resolution for 2022.
Next, let’s take a moment to reflect on this year’s blogs. We began the year with just one blog a month. In June, July and August, we had 2 blogs each month. September kick-started our transition into four blogs a month. With this new shift, we have been able to provide more content with the ultimate goal of improving overall health and wellbeing to our communities… and of course a few pet photos! Below is a breakdown of our blogs in 2021:
Thank you to all of you for being a part of our journey. Continue to join us for new topics and more weekly blogs in 2022!
We here at Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!