World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Greeting’s readers!

It’s important to always bring awareness to teen mental health, which is why in 2020, Hollister founded World Teen Mental Wellness Day. Hollister Co-created the Confidence Project which awarded $1,000,000 in grants to different organizations that help with wellness in teens. According to the American Psychological Association, Gen Z has the worst mental health of any generation. Many people believe this is because of the use of social media and having more access to technology. Those can be considered some of the factors, but Gen Z does care about their health. 

Teens do think that mental health is important which is why Hollister is working on bringing even more awareness to teen mental health. Bringing awareness to the problem is the first step to being able to deal with the problem or try to find a solution. This is why Hollister decided to make March 2nd World Teen Mental Wellness Day. The project Hollister has already given grants to companies that work with the well-being of teens and they are also inclusive of all races, genders, and sexualities. Check out their website to find more information  

The way to celebrate the day is by having a day to recharge. They use the comparison of pho Save nes needing to be recharged. So, this day is made specifically to recharge. 

Some good ways to recharge and focus on yourself are:

  • Turning off your phone for a few hours to not look at social media. 

  • Cleaning your room or taking out things you don’t need.

  • Making a positive change to your appearance.

  • Finding a new place to eat.

  • Listening to your favorite song and dancing.

  • Writing in a journal.

Teens are going through emotional and physical changes which is why their mental health is crucial. Taking a day to recharge and unwind can help tremendously which is why March 2nd is important and should be taken into consideration. The day was founded in 2020 but hopefully, within the next few years it becomes more recognized, and people will show more importance to it. Teens are encouraged to be true to themselves, be kind to themselves, and show that it’s ok to not be ok.

Having a wellness day to recharge can also help build confidence in teens. If their mental health is better, they feel better about themselves. Hollister’s Confidence project was created to help teens all over the world feel their most confident, comfortable, and capable. The way they do this is by providing grants to organizations that focus on safety and inclusion for LGBTQ+, anti-bullying efforts, and sustainability. 

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