The Magic of Music

Greetings Readers!

We would like to begin by wishing you a happy and safe holiday season if you choose to celebrate the holidays. If you choose not to celebrate the holidays, we hope you are still enjoying a time of relaxation and happiness. 

This week’s blog is for everyone, especially those who enjoy the music! Before we go any further, here are this week’s affirmations:

  • I feel more grateful each day.

  • Today and every day is a new opportunity. I will make the best of it. 

  • I have the skills and tools I need to make today a positive day. 

Are you a holiday music fan? More of a country fan? Do you prefer classical songs or love a nice instrumental piece? Jazz? We could list music types for hours, but the main point is: There is something for everyone! No matter the type of music, as long as you find it enjoyable, listening to music can be beneficial for your overall health and your mood! Especially around the holiday season, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Providing yourself a mental break, taking a little “me time”, and listening to music might be just what you need. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory” (Johns Hopkins Medicine). 

Below are a few examples of how music can be beneficial for you:

  • Your favorite music in the car can help lower frustration during the drive home. Not participating in road rage is a helpful way to keep you and others safe while on the road!

  • Classical music or a little lo-fi jazz before or during bedtime can help you decrease your rate heart leading to a more relaxed state and better sleep! 

  • An inspirational song or beat can increase your energy levels whether you are trying to prepare yourself for a work day or to see your family members for the holidays! 

  • Your favorite song and a few dance moves would make for a more fun cleaning experience. Then you will be getting your body actively moving (which we know is super beneficial for one’s health) while also leaving you with a cleaner house. Who doesn’t want that? 

  • Educational songs for youth promote and encourage learning in a fun and positive way! 

Great, so now we know music can beneficial for our health. So what do we do now? Below are a few musical suggestions to get you started. The place and time you choose to listen to music is up to you. You may want to pick a playlist, or radio station, or put on your favorite CD if you’re alone cleaning, driving, or if you are hosting a family/friend gathering this holiday season!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • Share this information with a friend! Whether you verbally tell them or share your favorite music playlist with them, music can help everyone! 

  • Expand your horizons musically! We encourage you to listen to a type of music that you may not be familiar with. When we try new things, often we can surprise ourselves with how much we learn and grow. Who knows, you may find a new favorite song or style of music you didn’t know before! 

  • If you are an educator, consider utilizing a playlist that makes sense in your classroom. Musical timers may be a great option in your classroom if you tend to time activities or breaks. 

  • Remember to be kind and respectful of all people this holiday season, and every day! Not everyone chooses to celebrate the holidays or celebrate in the same way. No matter what a person chooses to do, everyone still deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. 

From everyone here at Touchstone Health Services and the CARE Coalition, we wish you and yours a warm and safe holiday season! 

Keep your brain young with music. Keep Your Brain Young with Music | Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2022, April 13). Retrieved November 14, 2022, from,%2C%20mental%20alertness%2C%20and%20memory