Teacher Appreciation Week

Greetings Readers!

Teachers play a crucial part in most people’s lives. Elementary school kids can spend up to 6  hours a day with their teacher while middle school kids and high school teens spend between  40 minutes to an hour and a half with multiple teachers a day. Teachers have busy and challenging jobs which is why they get a week of celebration rather than just one day, but teachers should be celebrated all the time. They are the backbone of the world because, without them, people would not have as much knowledge as they do. Whether it’s learning about biology, history, Spanish, astronomy, literature, writing, or even reading, teachers are increasing the knowledge of the world every single day.  

Most people have had at least one memorable life-changing moment with at least one teacher in their life. They not only help students learn, but many teachers also inspire students to reach their goals or even figure out what they want to do with their life. There can even be a teacher who offers to be a good listener to students who just want to vent about their life. A teacher’s job is important and there will always be a need for teachers. 

Teaching is one of the oldest professions. Even the pilgrims thought education was important. By the 19th century, politicians made the public aware that a regular education was important from elementary school to high school and then college. To this day it is the norm for people to go to either private school or public school, in some cases even home school, and receive education up until high school. Teachers work hard to make sure their students receive a good education in whatever subject they are teaching. It can sometimes be challenging but they will put in the work to make sure they are doing their job and helping their students learn. 

National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 1st – May 7th this year! National Teacher Day is always the first Tuesday of the first week of May. 

What can I do for my teacher (or my child’s teacher)?

  • Buy your teacher a small gift, or handmake something special for them. Flowers, their favorite snack, or a personal drawing are a few ideas.  

  • Let your teacher know you appreciate them. Take extra time to say please, thank you,  and let them know when they do something you appreciate.  

  • Donate some classroom supplies. Whether it is something you purchase, or extra pencils or tissues you may have at your house, giving a teacher classroom supplies is a positive gesture they are sure to appreciate. (Did you know that teachers often use their own money to purchase items for their students and classrooms? They do it because they  care about their students!)

  • Write them a friendly letter about why they’re amazing. Share with them how they have helped you learn something or tell them about a time they did something that really stood out to you.  

There are many ways you can celebrate and let a teacher know that they are doing a great job.  Teachers should be celebrated all year long, but they do have a special week designated to show appreciation, so feel free to let your teacher or teachers know how much you appreciate them! 

Here’s how YOU can be a prevention partner: 

  • You can participate in teacher appreciation week by doing one of the nice gestures listed above for a special teacher or educator in your life. You can find more ideas by  visiting this link, https://www.waterford.org/resources/teacher-appreciation-week ideas/

  • Learn more about the history of teacher appreciation week by visiting  https://nationaltoday.com/teacher-appreciation-week/.  

  • Ask a teacher what they need in their class and see if you can donate some items for the classroom. By yourself or with a group of students from your class, try to think of some way you may be able to raise money to buy the supplies needed for your class.  Remember to get permission from your parent or guardian first!