Stretch it out

Greetings Readers!

During the winter, it’s easy to stay at home and relax in your warm bed all day long. With the winter cold, no one wants to go outside and be reminded of how thankful we are for modern heating. I am a massive supporter of staying indoors when it is too cold out but, one thing I am adding this winter and fall is a time to get up and move around! I have found ways that are fun and make my body feel great that I would like to share. These activities can be done daily or a few times a week, once you start having fun with them it’ll be easy to do it every day! 


Many people may not think they need to stretch every day or think that only athletes need to stretch before a game or competition. However, stretching is necessary to protect our mobility and independence. This can be something you add to your routine as soon as you wake up, throughout the day, or before bed. It allows your muscles to be flexible, strong, and healthy! We need the flexibility to maintain the range of motion in our joints, this allows us to move freely without pain. Without stretching, our muscles can shorten and become tight which will make them weak and unable to extend as we want them to. Over time, this can develop into joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. 


Yoga is a great way to incorporate stretching into your routine. It can have many physical benefits, mainly those like stretching but it also has many benefits for mental health. One of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate. Yoga is very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life. It can be a very relaxing way to start or end your day, allowing your body to stretch and relax your muscles. 


Zumba is a workout that features movements inspired by styles of Latin American dance, but there’s no right or wrong way to do Zumba. If you move to the beat of the music, you’re participating in the exercise. There are many health benefits to Zumba, a 2015 study found a decrease in blood pressure in participants after a total of just 17 Zumba classes. Since the music played during a Zumba class is relatively fast-paced, moving to the beat can help build your endurance after just a few workouts. But Zumba is not only health benefits, but also social benefits of a group workout, too. This can be something you do together as a family or with friends! It is a way to freely express yourself through dance and workouts at the same time! The intensity of the workout will depend on what you are ready for, you can pick the music and dance to the beat. And since Zumba involves movement of the entire body — from your arms to your shoulders and to your feet — you’ll get a full-body workout that doesn’t feel like work.

This winter, make sure you take care of your mental and physical health with some quick, fun, and easy workouts! After all, stretching your limbs after a long day can help alleviate stress and allow you to relax a bit more. Try out these exercises with your friends or partners at home, you can even include your pets! There’s nothing sweeter than creating bonding moments that take care of your health too!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • Practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is important! Visit our website to discover new or different ways that you can learn to take care of yourself. 

  • Check-in with your friends! You can ask them to join you in a class or organize a time you can exercise together at home or at the gym. 

  • Visit your doctor! If you have health concerns, please schedule a visit with your primary physician.