Stress Awareness – How Do You Cope?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your to-do list seems endless, and the pace of your life is too fast that there are times you can’t catch your breath? 

Well, that is something most of us experience and then find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, everyone does experience stress in their life, especially as we get older and start to have more responsibilities. In spite of that, we all experience stress in very different ways and some more than others. Stress is defined more commonly as a physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. When we feel stress some of us feel sad, frustrated, and helpless. Some of us have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. It can also be unbearable for some people that they start to use alcohol and drugs. A small amount of stress is not necessarily a bad thing, but too much of it can be detrimental to our emotional and physical health. Stress is one of the great public health challenges of our time, but it still isn’t being taken as seriously as physical health concerns. Stress is a significant factor in mental health problems including anxiety and depression. It is also linked to physical health problems like heart disease, problems with our immune system, insomnia, and digestive problems. Individually we need to understand what is causing us personal stress and learn what steps we can take to reduce it for ourselves and those around us. Learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with stressful situations can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life. Here are some tips and ideas from The American Institute of Stress. 

Sometimes the stress in our lives is not something we have the power to change. Try to:

  • Recognize when you don’t have control, and let it go.

  • Avoid getting anxious about situations that you cannot change.

  • Take control of your reactions and focus your mind on something that makes you feel calm and in control.

  • Develop a vision for healthy living, wellness, and personal growth, and set realistic goals to help you realize your vision.

Healthy ways for coping with your stress and keeping your peace levels high.

  • Take care of yourself – eat healthy, stay hydrated, exercise regularly, go for a walk, get plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break if you feel stressed.

  • Share your problems and how you are feeling and coping with a family member, friend, doctor, pastor, or counselor.

  • Avoid drugs and alcohol. These can create additional problems and increase the stress you are already feeling.

  • Think about taking natural supplements to help you feel more at ease. Natural remedies like lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, ashwagandha, green tea, and essential oils are very helpful.

  • Do something fun and treat yourself. Plan a night out with friends or take a day trip with family. Go get a massage, have a spa day, or treat yourself to something that makes you feel good or valued.

  • Recognize when you need more help – know when to talk to a psychologist, social worker, or counselor if things continue.

“The most valuable takeaway here is knowing how to talk to others about your stress. This goes both ways, as you need to know how to discuss your problems with others as well as talk to anyone that comes to you with their issues.” Everyone does find their own way of dealing with their stress. It’s important that you stay honest with yourself and pay attention to your health. 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • Enroll yourself or your youth into one of the programs offered by Touchstone Health Services. Visit to learn more about the programs offered. 

  • Practice one of the tips listed above when you find yourself feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Share your experience with a family member or friend. 

  • Visit CARE’s Soothing Place and become familiar with activities on mindfulness, coping skills, and overall wellness and share it with others. 

To learn more, visit

Or, read our other blog posts for more great information and coping techniques: