Selfie Love (National Selfie Day, June 21st)

Greetings readers!

From a young age, we’ve seen and learned about some of the greatest love stories of all time. From tragic loves like Romeo and Juliet to modern loves like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. We’ve had the opportunity to learn about relationships between people and how love can be a powerful weapon against hate. 

While we may learn about how to mend our relationships with others and how we can have positive and meaningful relationships, there is one we don’t see as often that is equally, if not more, important! 

This June 21st, we are looking to capture the love story of a lifetime.


Self-love is essential for everyone, to have a healthy view of ourselves and care for our bodies. 

Some may say it is difficult, but the truth is that it’s quite easy to love yourself for who you are. You may just need a change in perspective to learn to appreciate and be kind to yourself. 

Here are some ways that you can practice self-love! If you find any of these difficult, try writing down ways that you can achieve and work towards it.

  • Talk to and about yourself with love. Normalize speaking to yourself or to others about yourself in a way that is respectful and kind. You can start with complimenting yourself; it can be as easy as thanking yourself for waking up on time to giving yourself a confidence boost when you feel and look pretty. Make it a daily occurrence to find something positive about yourself, with time it’ll be a loveable habit! You deserve it!

  • Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes, and the only way to grow from them is to learn from them. While it can be hard to move on from something that happened in the past, try to look for guidance in others. It’s okay to ask for help and sometimes it’s necessary, don’t judge yourself too hard! As humans, we don’t have the perfect guide for life. We create our own path and sometimes we get it wrong. It is important to practice acceptance of the things we can’t control and do what we can for the things we can change. You are important! 

  • Find joy in small things. Being positive is not always easy. Find ways to motivate yourself, it can really help you view things in a different light. Something as simple as finding money in your pocket to accomplish the task you have been putting off for weeks! Make time for activities or friendships that bring you joy. You are a priority, treat yourself as such! 

Remember, through thick and thin, rain or shine, you will always have one person until the end of time: you. Now, to celebrate the day of selfies… take a selfie! 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is important! Visit our website to discover new or different ways that you can learn to take care of yourself. 

  • Check-in with your friends! Everyone goes through tough times; you can rely on each other and start a journey of self-love together.