Pen Pals!

Greeting’s readers! 

Today we will be talking about pen pals. The dictionary definition of a pen pal is a friend made and kept through correspondence, so someone you meet through either physical letters or digital messages. Sometimes we forget how beneficial having a pen pal can be, especially for youth and for mental health.

I once had a pen pal from another country and we both sent each other gifts in the mail and talked all the time. We slowly stopped talking as much, but about 8 years later we are still friends, and I can always go to her to just talk about whatever.

Taking care of our mental health is just as important as taking care of our physical health. However, taking care of our mental health can be just as exhausting. It’s hard to be mindful, and a lot easier to let your mind spiral out of control than it is to reign in it. A lot of that has to do with accountability. Accountability is hard because along with our strengths, we also have our faults. It involves a lot of deconstructing of what we have grown comfortable with, but it doesn’t have to be hard or scary. Something as simple as having a pen pal can be really comforting in taking care of our mental health but also being mindful of ourselves.

For starters, it’s fun to meet new people! But it can also be scary. Uncertainties can come with meeting someone for the first time. Many people want to “get out there” and get to know others but there may be a fear of rejection or not being interesting enough. Being able to write in a comforting spot without worrying about physical appearances and presenting yourself in a certain way can also help with stress and anxiety levels. You can also take your time in how you respond, not forgetting important topics you wanted to touch on can also help your stress and anxiety levels. 

Secondly, because of a long time, you can go between writing (whether it’s a physical letter or digital) you can invoke more thought-provoking topics that can really help you dig deeper into yourself and the world around you. When we have face-to-face conversations, we tend to rush our words, or we get sidetracked because of all the outside factors that are distracting us, which can contribute to the stress and anxiety levels we may be experiencing. Through the journey of having a pen pal, there is an opportunity for personal growth. 

Lastly, it can become a support system. When we connect with someone, we can relate to them and begin to trust them with the harder issues we are facing. Being able to ask “embarrassing questions” without being judged or without having that in-person interaction with someone can give people the information they need to feel better about what they are going through. This can be especially true and comforting for youth. If used correctly and safely, youth can connect with each other and create lasting connections. Long-distance friends are becoming a hot topic nowadays!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • You can find yourself, or your family as a group, a pen pal to connect with, and get to know a bit more about the world from a different perspective! This can ultimately help strengthen your self-concept but let in a new source of positivity into your life. Visit these resources below for more information on how to connect with a Pen Pal!

  • Encourage youth in your life to become a pen pal! If you are an educator, consider introducing this concept into your classroom. Connect with other schools if a local pen pal is more reasonable.

  • Visit our CARE’s Soothing Place tab on our website to find more information on mindfulness activities including journaling tips and prompts to help you and your youth feel more comfortable with writing letters!