National Nutrition Month – March 2023

Greetings Readers!

National Nutrition Month, observed in March, is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The purpose of the campaign is to promote healthy eating and physical activity. This is an opportunity for everyone to better understand and focus on the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating and physical activity habits. Although it can be challenging and stressful, the transformative powers of healthy food choices and physical activity are beneficial and rewarding. This is why every individual must begin working towards a healthy eating style that fits their health needs, preferences, and budget. Before we dive further, here are this week’s affirmations: 

  • I am not defined by the food I eat.

  • I nourish my body with the foods and water I know I need.

  • I will not deprive myself of my favorite foods. Snacks are good in moderation. 

Why should everyone eat healthy foods? 

It turns out…

  • Healthy foods may help you live longer

  • It can have a positive effect on an individual’s mood, resulting in them feeling happier and it can also help keep energy levels up 

  • It can lower the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers

  • It can keep skin, teeth, and eyes healthy

  • It supports muscles, boosts immunity, and strengthens bones

For more information on the benefits of healthy eating, visit the following link:

Nutrition doesn’t end at what we eat. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages making exercise an essential part of everyone’s lives. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. There are many ways one can exercise. The most common way is attending the gym. However, exercise can also be hiking a mountain, Zumba, cycling, sports, yoga, and more! Whichever type of exercise one chooses, the benefits are the same.

Being physically active can…

  • Improve brain health 

  • Help manage weight

  • Reduce the risk of disease 

  • Strengthen bones and muscles 

  • Improve ability to do everyday activities 

Understandably, implementing these choices into someone’s life is not a simple task. A few reasons could be that individuals find it to be more costly and time-consuming to prepare and eat healthier meals. Additionally, when people finish a long day at school or work, they lack the energy and time to do some form of physical activity. However, the truth remains that if people don’t have a routine that works to help them stay healthy throughout their life, it will put their bodies and minds at risk. The good news is, being physically active and eating right doesn’t have to be hard or require someone to make lots of sacrifices. It can start simple and with small changes to their eating habits, as well as, adding a 15-minute walk to their everyday schedule. These completed tasks can make a big difference to someone’s health over time.  

Here are some healthy swaps you can make this week, and ways that YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Drink sparkling water instead of regular soda

  • Try avocado oil or extra-virgin olive oil instead of canola/vegetable oil

  • Choose almond milk instead of cow milk 

  • Choose raw honey, pure maple syrup, or coconut sugar instead of white sugar

  • Share this information with a friend or family member! When we do things in pairs, we are more likely to follow through. Plus, having a friend on the same journey always makes it more fun!  

Now is everyone’s chance to take on healthy eating one step at a time. All the information you need is at your fingertips. Visit the following links for more helpful tips on nutrition and physical activity: 

If you have any questions and need more information, below are some great resources that can help: