National Library Card Sign-Up Month

Greeting Readers!

Greeting readers! 

Fiction! Fantasy! Adventure! Mystery! Comics! Did you know there are over 35 different book genres? This means that there is a genre for everyone to love! September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month, and the perfect time to find your perfect genre/book! 

A library card is not only useful for checking out library books. Library cards are the key to accessing library computers, eBooks, virtual book clubs, and much more! 

There are benefits of reading books for all ages! Reading books boosts creativity, increases vocabulary and comprehension, and decreases stress along with many other health benefits. One of the coolest things about reading is there is no right or wrong way to do it! Enjoy reading outside? Go for it! Enjoy reading a few pages at a time? Wonderful! Enjoy reading the book from cover to cover? Do it! We want to empower everyone to be the owner of their very own library card, so if you don’t already have one, head to your local library to sign up easily, and for free!

Have a library card already? That’s wonderful news! You can take library card sign-up month a step further by participating in one of the monthly events hosted by your local library, and bring a friend to share the experience! 

However you chose to celebrate National Library Card Sign-Up Month, we here at Touchstone Health Services hope you enjoy the journey of reading and all the great health benefits that come with it. Feel free to share your favorite genre of a new favorite book with us in the comment section below! Happy reading! 

Here’s How YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up month by getting a library card for yourself or your youth today!

  • Share the joy of reading with someone special to you! This could mean reading a bedtime story to your child or reading to someone who may not be able to read it themselves.