Meet Our Team – Series Week 2

Greeting readers! 

Welcome back to week 2 of our 4-week series where we are giving you an insight into our Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department. This week we meet our 3 Program Supervisors who will answer a few questions about themselves and our grant. Before we go any further, here are this week’s affirmations:

  • I am having a positive and inspiring impact on people I encounter. 

  • Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.

  • I am grateful for everything I have in my life. 

Last week’s blog focused on Erica Chavez, the Clinical Director, and Lydia Cossio, our Assistant Director. If you missed it, don’t forget to go check it out! This week, we interviewed our 3 Program Supervisors – Alexis McKinley, Karina Herrera, and Maria Tena! They have all answered questions regarding their contributions to the success of the department, and the communities we reach. Without further ado, here is what they had to say!

Karina Herrera

Hello! I am a Prevention Supervisor for Touchstone Health Services. I am a mommy of two wonderful boys who keep my life entertaining and full of joy. My dogs and my gardens are my favorite pastime.

As a supervisor, which pieces of the grant do you oversee? 

I oversee one of the youth evidence-based programs for the Glendale School District, titled Making Proud Choices. My responsibility is to schedule implantation dates that work well for both Touchstone staff and the GESD school calendar. As our grant is approaching its last year, I will focus on developing a sustainability plan ensuring the implementation of our programs and therefore promoting adolescent overall wellbeing.  I have recently added the Youth Leadership Council to my responsibilities. The YLC is near and dear to my heart as this was my project when I started working in Prevention 5 years ago as a community liaison. My role is to oversee the team of community liaisons and health educators who lead and guide the YLC members in developing leadership skills. The YLC is active in the yearly Adolescent Conference and plays an important role in the CARE Coalition. My responsibility is to ensure active participation in these projects. 

How do you as a supervisor ensure your team is putting your plans into action? 

Ensuring my team feels like it is a collaborative effort is step one. The goal for the department is to meet our deliverables and the road to those goals is a team effort. Consistent meetings and communication are important to achieving grant deliverables. Providing action plans in which the team can engage and collaborate is a way to ensure everyone is on the right track Lastly, continued positive team morale can be a great asset to having my team stay engaged and motivated when completing tasks, but most importantly trusting and believing in the work they are doing and the changes they are making in youths lives.

How does your position contribute to the overall success of the grant?

My position contributes to the success of the grant because it allows the ability to pay closer attention to the detail of the programs I am overseeing. The goal of the grant is to meet deliverables, and without my contribution to ensure all objectives of my assigned programming are being met, the success of the grant can be jeopardized. 

Just for fun, what is the last thing you ordered on Amazon? 

The last purchase I made on Amazon was the party decorations for my son’s 4th birthday!! The theme was SONIC The Hedgehog. Décor included balloons, “ceiling hanging swirls”, and a  number 4-shaped balloon 😊

Maria Tena

Hello! My name is Maria Tena, and I am a prevention supervisor. I love binge-watching shows on Netflix, spending time with my two new puppies, and have been into online shopping a little too much lately. 

As a supervisor, which pieces of the grant do you oversee?

As a prevention supervisor, I currently oversee:

  • Parenting Classes
  • CARE
  • Advisory Board
  • Annual Adolescent Conference 
  • Social Media
  • Newsletter
  • Blogs
  • Weekly Posts
  • CARE Website

How do you as a supervisor ensure your team is putting your plans into action?

I think it’s important for my team to understand the goals first. Because of that, I try to make sure that I talk to my team about what the goals are and why they are important. Then distribute tasks and deadlines for my team on the goals we are working on and do regular check-ins to ensure That I answer any questions that may come up. Lastly, I also think that it’s important that my team feels supported. This is why I try to make myself available to assist with anything that may be needed. 

How does your position contribute to the overall success of the grant?

My position contributes by ensuring that we are setting deadlines for the community aspect of the grant. I also ensure that we stay on top of our community grant goals as a team throughout the year like planning for our CARE coalition meetings, conferences, parenting classes, and social media posts, among other tasks like the community needs survey, blogs, and newsletters.

Just for fun, what is the last thing you ordered on Amazon?

The last thing I ordered from amazon is pair of heels. 

Alexis Perez

Hello! I consider myself a home body, but I do enjoy socializing with those who care close to me! I love spending time watching new movies and shows with my husband, cuddling with my dog, eating out or having game nights with friends, and bullet journaling or reading in my spare time.

As a supervisor, which pieces of the grant do you oversee?

My role as a Prevention Supervisor is overseeing an amazing team of health educators who implement youth programming in the community we serve. Additionally, I focus on professional development training for both the schools and community partners we work with and facilitate Youth Mental Health First Aid for our partners as well. 

How do you as a supervisor ensure your team is putting your plans into action?

I first start by knowing what they are working on with my direct projects and projects my co-supervisors have going on as well. This helps me connect with them directly in Monday meetings to see what they are working on, what support is needed, and even provide an opportunity to give kudos on the work they have completed. During one on ones, I like to see if there is any specific goals they would like to work on and if we do, I like to see what I can do help them get there while allowing them to independently reach their goal. 

How does your position contribute into the overall success of the grant?

I feel my position contributes to our grant success because I can help my team be the best facilitators they want to be, especially with their various passions. Additionally, with the trainings I help facilitate and coordinate and help create trauma informed and resilient schools, communities and other environments for youth to be in. 

Just for fun, what is the last thing you ordered on Amazon? 

Well considering Prime Day just past, I had a big order! This included organization bins and drawers for my house, a toy for my dog, and a new lanyard for my keys!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

Don’t miss out on next week’s blog where we will talk with the Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department’s Health Educators!