May is #SexEdForAll Month

Greeting readers! 








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┻┳| •.•) #SexEdForAll Month has arrived. 



Formerly known as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, 2019 May is now known as #SexEdForAll  Month. This week’s blog provides a brief overview of the reason for this change and provides ways that you can be a part of it. Before we go any further, here are this week’s affirmations: 

For over 20 years, May has been recognized as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. While it is beautiful to support the cause, oftentimes messages that are put out under this name have been stigmatizing and send unintended messages to youth and adults all over. In 2019, the Sex Education Collaborative and other organizations that stand up for sexual and reproductive health saw the need for a change. The  

switch from Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month to Sex Ed for All Month is dedicated to getting rid of the stigmatizing messages surrounding sexual education, and making resources and education available to everyone.  

To some people, the term “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month” sends the message that there is something wrong with being a teen parent and that it must be, well, prevented. While we acknowledge that unintentionally becoming a parent as a teenager presents challenges, the new name aims to acknowledge and destigmatize that some teens may choose that option for their own reasons. The previous name also sends the message that teen pregnancy is the only health-related issue that needs to be discussed in sexual education classes. Sex Ed for All Month aims to normalize and incorporate discussing all sexual health-related topics, such as puberty, healthy relationships, consent, and more. The switch from Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month to Sex Ed for All Month aims to send a more inclusive message about how everyone deserves comprehensive sexual education so they may make educated and empowered decisions for themselves regarding their health and when and if they choose to become parents. 

Healthy Teen Network has put together a #SexEdForAll month toolkit for your use, which includes graphics, sample social media posts, talking points, and more. This toolkit is downloadable and allows you to copy and paste, share, and use as you see fit this month and beyond May to support inclusive and comprehensive sexual education for all. You can access the toolkit through Healthy Teen Network’s website, where you can find other valuable resources, or by clicking here

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Share the information you have learned here with someone you know. If you hear someone  referring to May as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, let them know about the change to Sex  Ed for All Month. 

  • Do your best to avoid creating or sharing images and messages that have hidden or underlying stigmatizing ideas surrounding teen pregnancy and sexual health topics.  

  • Support the youth in your life. Be a voice for them and with them. Ask your youth how they want to support Sex Ed for All Month. Take a stand in your community by advocating for the wants and needs of your youth.  

  • Get involved in whatever way makes sense for you. A good starting point is to visit one or all these resources below for tons of helpful information surrounding sexual health and education for all.  

  • Access the #SexEdForAll Toolkit and share one or more of the sample social media posts on the platforms you use. Remember to use the #SexEdForAll hashtag when posting.  


    <) )╯ Inclusive sex ed 

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    \( (> is a 

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    <) )╯ human right 

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