Greetings Readers!

Happy Summer! I am so excited to start this summer off by spreading awareness about the rising popularity of vaping! This month, you will be reading on vaping marijuana/cannabis infused oils amongst our youth.

As you may already know, marijuana usage affects the mind of youth in many ways today. The brain continues to develop until age 25, the rapid brain growth of a youth between the ages of 11-14 can be stunted and or altered by THC oil, which is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s mind-altering effects. During this time, youth are also susceptible to developing mental illnesses due to marijuana usage. High doses of marijuana can cause psychosis or panic attacks. Although this is not new information, it is even more important today because the signs and common indicators of marijuana usage are not always seen when it is being vaped.

Vaping THC does not produce the telltale smell that appears when smoking marijuana through a joint, blunt or pipe. Therefore, teens can use marijuana without being detected when vaping. Even though there is no smell, when people vape rather smoke marijuana, they tend to consume even higher concentrations of THC, which means greater exposure to the brain the altering and addictive ingredient. The perception that using a smokeless device carries little risk may actually lead to more youth using these devices to vape marijuana.

Knowing whether your child is using vaping devices is important. It is also very critical to know what’s in these devices. Educating yourself on the latest teen trends, like the electronic vaping devices to ingest marijuana, is an important step in preventing use.

This summer Keep the lines of communication with your teen open, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of marijuana use, regardless of the form it may take! You can learn more about vaping and marijuana in our upcoming RX 360 class on June 15 from 11:30 – 12:30pm in Spanish and 1:00pm-2:00pm in English at Sam Garcia Library in Avondale. For more information contact Maria Tena at

Until Next time!