Hello Parents, Happy New Years! This month’s post I will be talking about why more teens are using marijuana and the latest trend.

We have heard that marijuana is the most commonly abused substance in the West Valley amongst teens. Marijuana has come a long way since the 70’s, during that time individuals would smoke marijuana in the form of a dry leaf, today marijuana comes in many different forms such as a brown or gray mix, wax, liquid and still the most common in leaf form. Parents, over the last several years we have heard that marijuana is being manipulated to make it more potent (stronger).  In fact, today we know that marijuana is being extracted for oil, this oil will be made into a wax substance and or add to a devise.

You may be wondering why teens are using and abusing marijuana, and what is the latest trend. Years ago, one of the most common ways to smoke marijuana was by hand rolling it into a cigarette form. Today’s newest trend is that teens are smoking marijuana by using a VAPE devise and or the e-cigarette. Parents these devises are very popular amongst our teens. These devises are so small that teens can hide them quickly, and If you are not familiar with them one can over see it. So why are teens abusing marijuana, well teens say that the only reason they may be using marijuana is so that they can use the VAPE or e-cigarette devise. Also, another reason is because their friend are doing it and it looks and feels cool.

Parents below is and chart which displays the use of marijuana amongst our youth starting at the age of 12 and older.

Parents, studies show that teens who start using marijuana can affect specific parts of the brain. It can affect decision making, coordination, memory and concentration. It can also affect the prefrontal cortex of the brain which controls reasoning and impulse.

Parents did you know that teens who are using marijuana are 3times more likely to use other drugs such as alcohol or prescription drugs. (drugfree.org)

Parents Touchstone Health Services offers a one-hour Rx360 adult/teen workshop in which we educate on the dangers of prescription drug abuse and how to dispose of prescription drugs safely and effectively. To see when a class is offered Please visit our CARE Coalition Facebook page for more information on resources, latest news, negative trends and tips.


Parents if you are wanting additional resources for your community please join us at our next CARE Coalition meeting on February 15, 2019 please visit our CARE coalition for date, time and location.