International Sushi Day

International sushi day is on Saturday, June 18th.  It is said that sushi was introduced to Japan in the 19th century. It was a popular dish that gathered traction as Buddhism spread. The Buddhists usually have a dietary practice of abstaining from meat from land animals, so many Japanese people turned to fish as a dietary supplement. Usually, when we think of Sushi, we think of it as a cultural food of Japan. The Japanese are credited with first preparing sushi as a complete dish, eating the fermented rice together with the preserved fish. This combination of rice and fish is known as aged sushi.

Since then so many different forms of sushi have been made and sent out in the world. There is the California roll which has an interesting origin story. A Japanese immigrant came to North America to make sushi but a lot of Canadians did not like raw fish so he came up with an alternative. And then there is the carne asada sushi which is a Mexican twist on it. Both are popular in the United States.

Looking at how the history of sushi spreads can give us a moment to relish in the cultural appreciation, to see an aspect of another culture that has been so resilient time and time again. It is important to know where cultural aspects such as food, language, and dress come from so we can properly appreciate it and interact with people from that culture in a positive light.

How you can be a prevention partner while celebrating International Sushi day:

  • Youth should be able to appreciate days like this that are fun and a little out of the norm to be able to see the beauty and connect with the community around them. So maybe find a fun recipe and make it together with your youth. Some great ones can be found here: 

  • Possibly donate to a local Japanese organization. Phoenix Japanese Friendship Garden is a perfect place that celebrates Japanese culture in the community in a beautiful and relaxing area: 

  • Connecting with your community has big benefits in improving their intellectual health. If you can take time out of your day on International Sushi Day to look more into the folklore surrounding sushi and respect its past, present, and future, your ability to connect with your community will be enhanced.