Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022! – A Glimpse Backwards and Forwards

Greeting’s Readers!

Welcome back to our blog and our first blog post of 2022! We would like to first say how thankful we are for our returning readers and offer a warm welcome to anyone who may be joining us for the first time! As we move into this new year, you can continue to expect weekly blog posts full of content with the goal of achieving ultimate health and wellness for youth. Before we go any further, let’s start with our first affirmations for the new year: 

  • I am starting this new year with positivity!

  • I am grateful for the lessons I learned last year and look forward to the lessons of the next.

  • This year, I will not compare myself or the things I have, with other people. 

The Prevention Department in Touchstone Health Services was awarded a three-year grant funded by the Office of Population Affairs, to play a part in obtaining overall optimal adolescent well-being and reducing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Touchstone Health Services is currently in the middle of grant year two, and from July 2021- December 2021, the team has been able to make great strides towards achieving optimal health and wellness for youth. Some of the teams’ accomplishments include, but are not limited to: 

  • Implementing the Positive Action program in Alhambra Elementary School District spanning 9 schools, 74 classrooms and approximately 1,650 students reached!

  • Implementing 6 parenting classes (Positive Parenting Program and Active Parenting of Teens) and reaching 30 parents!

  • Implementing the Making Proud Choices! (MPC) program at a local Boys & Girls Club and reaching 7 youth! 

  • Actively fostering a Youth Leadership Group in both the Glendale and Alhambra School Districts.

  • Releasing 1 public service announcement via local radio stations. 

While we have made great strides, we know there is more work to be done. As of December 9th, 2021, the Glendale Advisory Board has officially adopted the sexual health curriculum, Making Proud Choices! in the Glendale District. This is a tremendous success for the Prevention department as this completes the final step in a year-long process for the adoption approval within the grants service area. With this approval, Touchstone will be able to implement MPC to 8th-grade students within the Glendale district in the upcoming half of the second grant year in 2022! 

Also in the upcoming year, we will continue to implement the Positive Action program in the Alhambra Elementary School Districts, and both parenting programs both virtually and in-person. On February 15th, 2022, we will be hosting a conference, “Rethinking Community Resilience, Shifting our Mindset”. You can find more information about this event and register by visiting

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • If you live in the Glendale or Alhambra districts, enroll your youth aged 11-14 into Touchstone’s Youth Leadership Council, where they will learn about and develop leadership skills and be a voice in their community!

  • Enroll yourself or your youth into one of the comprehensive programs offered by Touchstone Health Services. For more information on the programs, visit

  • Continue to join us weekly for our blogs on various topics aimed to increase the overall health and wellness of both youth and families. 

  • Join us for our conference, “Rethinking Community Resilience, Shifting our Mindset” on February 15th, 2022! You can register for this event by visiting

  • Don’t miss out on valuable information and resources! Follow us on Instagram at @CareCoalitionAZ and on Facebook at Care Coalition!