Gardening for Greatness!

Greeting’s Readers!

Looking for a mood booster? Want something to look forward to every day? Wish you can see your hard work pay off right in front of your eyes?

Here is to hoping you said yes to at least one of the answers above! Gardening is an advocate for mental health strengthening. It’s time to break the stigma against mental health, and here is a start! Gardening has the potential to boost people’s moods by witnessing plants grow in your garden. To get a little scientific, getting your hands dirty in the garden can increase your serotonin level, meaning contact with soil helps release happy feeling messages in your brain which changes your mood! 

 When people plant, they want to see something grow to:

  • Feel like they did something right  

  • To see the plant flourish as they expect in their mind

This provides opportunities to have something to look forward to, which is so exciting and fun! Lastly, gardening allows a person to see the finished product! How often do people get to watch their hard work and dedication pay off? Not as often as they would like. Gardening has the power to experience the feeling of accomplishment. 

Check out this list for MENTAL HEALTH gardening benefits:

  • Practicing Acceptance- People often try to control things they can’t, plants will remind you of it

  • Moving Beyond Perfectionism- Plant’s can teach that its ok to make mistakes

  • Developing a Growth Mindset- With a growth mindset, people are constantly learning/adjusting

  • Being Present- The garden can be a protected place where we practice being where we are

  • Reducing Stress- There’s something about feeling the warmth of the sun, the soil in your hands

Ready to start a garden now? Here are 6 quick start-up tips:

  • Just Start- Try it and see what happens

  • Start slow- Start with a plant or two. Too many can be overwhelming

  • Focus on healthy soil- Water your soil, leave shredded leaves and bark, that is food soil

  • Grow what you like- Flowers, fruits, veggies you pick!

  • Know your plant’s needs – Learn something about the plant before you stick it on the floor

  • Pay attention to your plants- Spend a little time in your garden every day observing/learning

Mental Health is as important as physical health. The CARE Coalition is passionate about mental and wishes to provide resources on mindfulness and mental health! 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Visit CARE’s Soothing Place tab on our website to dig deeper into mental health and find more information and resources. 

  • Share this information with a friend, or a youth in your life. Encourage others to try gardening or try it together! 

  • Plant one plant of your choice in your own backyard, or simply a pot and post a picture of it on social media! Share it with us by tagging us on social media. You can find us on Instagram at @CareCoalitionAZ and on Facebook at Care Coalition!