Feeling SAD About the Seasons Changing?

Greeting readers!

Does anyone else feel like it was January 1st like… last week? This year is flying by fast! We are officially in the swing of Autumn! This year, the Autumn season started on September 22nd and will go on until December 21st, 2022. We’re heading for the holidays this year, but before that, let’s take a pause for this week’s affirmations: 

  • I am focusing on the positive side of life.

  • I feel confident in any situation.

  • I feel great and wonderful about the good changes in my life.

If you or someone you know has ever felt like the changing seasons brings feelings such as the “winter blues”, you are not alone! These feelings could be SAD, which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is a type of depression that people may experience when the seasons change. Typically, the symptoms appear more often in the cooler seasons, Autumn and Winter, and disappear in the warmer seasons, Spring and Summer. Although it is different for everyone, it could be because the sunshine and warmer times evoke more positive energy and offer a chance to get outside and get active. While in the cooler months we typically see more illnesses appear and less people can get out of the house due to the weather.

What are the symptoms of SAD?

Symptoms of SAD vary and depend on what form of SAD a person is experiencing. Some symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Agitation/Feeling irritated

  • Decreased energy levels

  • Oversleeping or having trouble sleeping

  • Overeating or a loss of appetite

  • Weight gain or weight loss

  • Feelings of sadness for most of the day

  • Losing interest in activities you typically enjoy

  • MORE

Who can experience SAD?

Anyone and everyone can experience SAD, as it does not discriminate by gender, age, race, ethnicity, or anything else. According to Mental Health America, about 5% of the general population in the United States experience SAD. Additionally, 4 out of 5 tend to be women. This is important to keep in mind when you hear someone discuss their feelings about the weather changes. 


What do I do if I believe I’m experiencing SAD?

It is best practice to talk to your healthcare provider if you suspect you or someone in your family is dealing with SAD. Additionally, spending time with loved ones, participating in activities you enjoy, and practicing self-care techniques are handy when experiencing feelings associated with the changing seasons.

Sebastian, Health Educator: Hi everyone! I love knowing Arizona will begin to cool down very soon now that we are out of the summer season. I wanted to share with you all what my favorite season is and that is Winter! I love wintertime because everything begins to cool down which means I can enjoy some of my favorite activities such as being snuggled up with a blanket, going out for walks during the day, and listening to cheerful holiday music. My mood during wintertime is happy because two of my favorite holidays are during Wintertime and it’s not too hot to go out during the day. 

Karina, Prevention Supervisor: I look forward to the seasons changing! I am more of a summer girl, so I get most excited when the season goes from spring to summer. However, the fall and winter definitely bring that nostalgia and family feel so I embrace that! The fall and winter seasons change my mood to a lazy feeling. I prefer the heat so when the cold comes around, I get a little sluggish and moody due to feeling cold all the time.

Mikayla, Health Educator: My favorite season is fall, but winter is a close second! I think fall is great because the weather starts to get cooler, but it’s still warm enough to enjoy plenty of outdoor activities. I love the colors, smells, and all things pumpkin flavored, plus my birthday and favorite holidays are during this time. The change in seasons makes me happy because I know there’s always going to be something new to look forward to.

Jayne, Health Educator: I like all the seasons in different ways, but spring has a special place in my heart. For a desert, Arizona can get surprisingly green. My birthday is in the spring, and I love when the bees are buzzing, and flowers are in bloom. Luckily, I’m not affected by pollen!

Sabrina, Health Educator: I love the changing of seasons especially from summer to fall! Fall is my favorite season, and my mood always becomes more cheerful and positive. The weather is starting to cool down and there are so many fall festivities to look forward to. Fall is always the perfect time to go on hikes, have picnics with friends, and have cozy nights in. It is always the best!

Neida, Community Liaison: I love the seasons in Arizona, I think it’s great that we get to experience all the seasons in our own AZ way. My favorite part of the seasons changing is being able to pull out my seasonal clothes for cute outfits! I love seeing the sunshine even in the winter and getting to experience a bit of warmth on a chilly day. I really enjoy being able to have the choice of a hot coffee in the morning, an iced coffee in the afternoon, or a hot chocolate in the evening. My favorite seasons would be spring and summer, I love the sunshine and outside activities like picnics, walks, and ice cream runs. I would have to say my absolute favorite season is summer. I love going on trips to the beach and getting to enjoy summer activities like going to the pool, drinking iced coffee, and the monsoons! While there’s not a season I don’t like, my least favorite would be winter. I do not enjoy being cold or having to wear a lot of layers. The seasons affect my mood because, during the fall and spring, most people will start getting sick and spreading germs everywhere! I personally hate getting sick, of course, no one loves being sick, but it’s a constant fear of mine. I prefer spring and summer because I love being out and about with friends and family and the weather cooling down makes for great days at the park, taking a walk or hiking. Even spring cleaning and being able to start fresh for my favorite seasons of the year is a great relief!

Daisy, Community Liaison: I feel like because I have lived in Arizona my whole life it’s the reason why I dislike the summer or anytime the weather is super warm. It’s frustrating and annoying to do anything outside my home, such as simply going to the stores. Also, it’s impossible to enjoy certain activities that are outside, like a special outdoor event, barbecue, or birthday party. However, in the spring and summer, I do love going to the beach when I have the chance. There I believe is the most beautiful and shiny and I am the happiest when I am with loved ones. My favorite season has to be fall, but I do love winter as well. In these seasons I feel like I can do everything that I love and enjoy. My mood completely changes to something more energetic, loving, exciting, and joyful. Being able to go outside and see beautiful vivid colors from nature is comforting to me. My favorite holidays of the year are Halloween and Christmas. I especially love being able to dress in more cozy and warm clothes. 

Jacquelyn, Health Educator: I love experiencing the different seasons! My favorite season is fall, so I’m excited for these next few months. Wearing soft sweaters, drinking warm drinks, and watching the trees change colors is what I look forward to most. My mood is more positive this time since I’m surrounded by things I enjoy, compared to during summer when I’m grumpy because it’s too hot to do anything. 

Alexis, Prevention Supervisor: When the seasons start to begin, I’m one of those individuals who embrace the sweater weather, peppermint mochas, and festive music. I feel joyous between Thanksgiving and Christmas because I can put The Grinch on repeat while my husband and I decorate and then snuggle up in a blanket. Being able to take in the festivities and enjoyment of each holiday with family and friends really sparks the “spirit of the season” for me!

Daja, Health Educator: I feel that the seasons are a great way to shed past parts of yourself, sometimes I see fall and winter together as one long winter. I feel as though most of my transformation happens during this period. I’ve grown accustomed to summer being a season where you just kind of wait things out, you don’t really do much, and then spring is a party season! You celebrate a new you, and new possibilities, Spring is great! Maybe it’s just because I’m a spring baby I feel this way. I think my mood is the best in the Spring. I feel hopeful and my happiest. I love all things green and nature. My allergies don’t fare too well at this time of year, but that’s okay! I still have a lot of fun in Spring. I plan most of my trips in the springtime as well, such as camping and road trips. I just feel like the atmosphere is the most comforting in the Springtime!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • Learn more about Seasonal Affect Disorder, SAD. We challenge you to learn 2 new facts and then share them with someone you know! 

  • Be considerate when speaking with others about their moods and the changing of seasons. SAD can present itself in many ways, and you may be talking with someone who is affected without realizing it. 

  • If you are an educator, consider discussing this topic in your classroom. Youth may not know that their experiences and feelings about the seasons changing are valid, and being aware of this is in the classroom may help create awareness and acceptance in your classroom.