Family Bonding: New and Improved

Greetings readers! 

Have you ever found yourself realizing that you may be a little distant from your family? Today it is exceptionally harder to put that time aside to constantly be working on your family’s relationship. And as we know, relationships of any kind require active work constantly or else they can fall through. Sometimes, people will believe they have a good grasp on the ones they love. However, people are complex and like certain things for a while, but usually not forever. So, taking time to dive into activities that will allow you to bond can be a nice way to reintroduce yourself to people you care for.

Family activities or bonding time can sometimes be difficult. You want to watch something you thought was your loved ones’ favorite show, but they just scrunch up their nose and walk away. It can bring out the realization that you have been out of touch for some time, and it can cause some pushback on doing an activity you thought they would like. A good practice is to try setting up an activity that is new to your family so you can work together as a team to figure it out. New opportunities bring new chances for learning, you will learn something about them you never knew.

Activities do not have to be big and expensive to be meaningful. Small and low cost is also a great intimate way to bond. The ability to use the resources around you and the brain power you own is a way you can be more of your authentic self while connecting with your family. Activities such as cooking together, reading together, or playing a small sport outside (to name a few) are great ways to get intellectually, emotionally, and physically stimulated while bonding. So, whether you are a parent, a team, a child, or a family friend; check out some activities that might help in connecting with those around you.

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

Not being able to connect with your family can lead to a lot of challenges. And this is for anyone. So, how can you help not just your family but other families as well?

  • You can talk to your family about what activities they want to do or that seem interesting to them, a sentiment they will remember even if they may scrunch their nose at it. 

  • You can also provide support to others who may need help connecting with their family by sharing the activities you produce or being a listening ear.

  • You can also visit this website below with links to a list of activities you may find helpful: