Safe Dates
Safe Dates is an Evidence-Based Curriculum designed to educate youth (12–14 and 15-17 year old youth) on how to identify and prevent dating violence.
Safe Dates is an Evidence-Based Curriculum designed to educate youth (12–14 and 15-17 year old youth) on how to identify and prevent dating violence.
You may be a mandated reporter, but could you consider yourself a mandated supporter, too? In this session, we’ll discuss how we can protect children from adversity by connecting families to what they need. The strategies and techniques explored are rooted in the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework, an approach that recognizes when families have [...]
CARE stands for Community Alliance for Resources and Education. Our vision is to foster an inclusive community that is informed, caring and driven to ensure youth wellbeing. The Care Coalition works in the far west valley and is open to community members, parents, educators, youth & anyone interested in creating and sustaining positive change for [...]
Making Proud Choices (MPC) is an evidence-based 8-module program that provides youth with the knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and unintended pregnancy by abstaining from sex or engaging in safer sex methods. This course will be held Monday-Thursday from February 26 to March 12. The [...]