Envisioning 2023

Greeting readers!

Vision for a moment, if you will, what you hope for in 2023. Can you picture it? Sometimes it is easier to bring our visions to life if we are able to visually see what we are aiming for, or at least see an image every once in a while, to remind us. This week’s blog is all about how creating a vision board, or a collection of images representing your wants/goals/dreams can be a useful tool for making 2023 your best year yet! Before we dive in, here are this week’s affirmations: 

  • I celebrate each goal and success with gratitude.

  • I work every day to create the life I want and deserve. 

  • Even if I don’t succeed, I put my best efforts into everything I do. 

What is a vision board? 

A vision board is a collection of images or words meant to inspire and remind the creator of their goals and dreams. 

How do I create a vision board?

The great thing about vision boards, is they are impossible to make wrong! It is up to the creative genius that is making the vision board to decide how it will be done. For some people, a vision board may be a poster paper covered in images and words they cut out of magazines or printed from the internet. For other people, it may be images collaged on a PowerPoint slide. For others, it could be completely hand-drawn. The possibilities are endless! 

What do I put on my vision board? 

On your vision board, you may want to use images that represent goals, or images that remind you of a specific task or place you wish to do or visit. You may also wish to include words that have important meanings to you or your favorite inspirational quote! Below is a list of unfinished prompts to help get your creative thoughts flowing:

  • A goal I had for 2022 that I wasn’t able to reach was…

  • A goal I wish to work toward in 2023 is…

  • A place I want to visit next year is…

  • I would love to reconnect or rekindle my relationship with ___ next year. 

  • When people talk about me, I hope they say I am….

  • In 2023, I want to do more of…

  • In 2023, I want to do less of… 

  • My ideal day looks like…

  • The things that bring me joy are…

  • A quote that inspires me is…

What do I do with my vision board when it is done?

Once you feel good about your vision board and think it is finished, the next step is to place it somewhere that you will be able to see it frequently. Vision boards work best when they are frequently looked at since they can visually remind us of the things we want to work toward. Depending on how you choose to create your vision board, you may want to place your poster or printed board on a wall in your house, by your work desk, next to a mirror, or any other spot that you constantly look at. If it is an electronic vision board, consider making it your computer or phone wallpaper. 

We asked the Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department to create and share their vision boards with us. Here are their vision boards!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • Create a vision board! Using the information and prompts above can help get you started! 

  • Encourage a friend or family member to create a vision board of their own. Consider discussing how you can help each other bring your vision boards to life! 

  • Stay positive, kind, and courageous as we come to the end of 2022 and leap into 2023! We understand that sometimes it can be tough, and our CARE’s Soothing Place tab on our website has information and resources for different ways that you can experience mental freedom through Mindfulness, Coping Skills, and Wellness.