Changing Your Environment is Healthy!

Greeting readers! 

Being in the same environment is often boring. We are stuck in the same environment whether it be our bedrooms, our offices, or some other place. We rarely get out and are stuck with only googling images to seek out what a getaway means for us instead of being able to get up and go. Think about the last time you intentionally planned a trip for yourself and just you alone. Whether you have family or it’s just you, thinking about all the things you hope to get out of a vacation can help you be more enthusiastic about planning the trip and more likely to follow through.

Mountains are great for hiking and getting that physical exercise. A forest is great for exploring intellectually stimulating sights. A desert is a great place for a unique sighting that you don’t normally get. Visiting a lake is a nice way to hear natural sounds that get your brain moving and connect you emotionally. If you Get stuck in your worries, or stuck in a problem that needs a solution, getting out into nature and calming your nervous system is a very healing thing. To be able to feel open and comfortable in your environment can allow your mind to make room, dumping all the problems that don’t serve you that you may have been dwelling on for so long.

Yes, responsibilities make it hard to just plan an impromptu adventure, however, something as simple as going to a new park or having dinner outside is an excellent change of scenery. Think about exploring the towns around you, have you been to a unique spot lately in your area? Thinking intentionally about your surroundings can help you grow and improve into the person you’ve dreamt of for yourself. Even if you don’t want to take it that far, changing up your scenery can help you reach the milestones you’ve been thinking about. We all need a clear mind to be our best selves.

When we are not connected to the places around us, we can even become disconnected from ourselves. Being in a new environment where we can explore, marvel, and learn in; is essential to know ourselves on a deep and personal connection. Those connections make us even more successful in day-to-day social interaction. When we spend so much time in one place (i.e., our office or home) why not invest in it more? Putting more plants in your space, new lighting, or even a simple rug can spice up a space and offer you a new ambiance. We are constantly changing, so why should our space stay the same? And if you are someone who isn’t into heavy decorating, try switching out some items or hanging up a simple picture.

A new year is ahead of us, and that brings new growth opportunities.

Here is how YOU can be a Prevention Partner: 

  • Join a community club

  • Take your family on a road trip

  • Look at Sustainable DIY Home Décor to spice up your space