CARE’s Soothing Place for Ages 13-18
Welcome to the CARE’s Soothing Place for adolescents 13-18. We hope you enjoy your time here as we provide you with resources to help with mindfulness, wellness, and coping skills for youth. Click any of the drop-down links below to learn more!
“Paying full attention to something. It means taking your time to really notice what you’re doing. Mindfulness happens naturally sometimes. … Taking your time, you bounce the ball a couple of times. You tune out all the other sounds and take your shot” -Kids
Guided Meditation
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a calming, pleasurable feeling often accompanied by a tingling sensation. This tingle is said to originate in a person’s head and spread to the spine (and sometimes the limbs) in response to stimulation. The stimuli that trigger ASMR vary from person to person. These noises can also be white noises like that noises from fans, sounds of an ocean, firewood cracking. Studies show that people with ASMR experience decreased stress and increased excitement, feeling of connectedness, and calmness in response to ASMR videos. ASMR may also have the potential to help with depression, sleep, and chronic pain.
- ASMR Brain Tingles – Free on Apple
- ASMRtist – Free on Apple
- Bedtime ASMR – Free on Apple
- Serene – Free on Apple
Mindful Activities
Mindful Activities help adolescents practice mindfulness. All of the activities down below encourage and teach adolescents how to practice mindfulness in a fun and everyday way.
Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day.
LoFi: “Lofi Hip Hop” refers to a genre of music that mashes up traditional hip–hop and jazz elements to create an atmospheric, instrumental soundscape. In other words lofi is hip hop with other genres mixed in but in a way that will allow listeners to relax, be calm, and for some help with anxiety. the music usually has a binaural effect on listeners.

Scents are a good alternative for changing someone’s mood. Certain scents can get someone to get energized, relax, and help with anxiety.
These are different items that scents come from:

Items that can be used for scents:
“If you get tired, learn to rest, not give up”
Practicing healthy eating habits from a young age creates overall wellness for a growing youth. Having the proper nutrients for growth and brain development is an important part of wellness.
- Fruits and vegetables- Make it half your plate
- Grains- Choose whole grains
- Proteins- Power up with low fat or lean meats
- Dairy- Build strong bones with fat-free or low-fat milk products
Click here for more information.
- Try to limit foods like cookies, candy, frozen desserts, chips, and fries, which often have a lot of sugar, unhealthy fat, and salt.
- For a quick snack, try recharging with pear, apple, or banana; a small bag of baby carrots; or hummus with sliced veggies.
- Don’t add sugar to your food and drinks.
- Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and avoid sugary drinks. Soda, energy drinks, sweet tea, and some juices have added sugars, a source of extra calories. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines External link call for getting less than 10 percent of your daily calories from added sugars.
Here is an example:
Breakfast: a banana, a slice of whole-grain bread with avocado or tomato, and fat-free or low-fat milk
Lunch: a turkey sandwich with dark leafy lettuce, tomato, and red peppers on whole-wheat bread
Dinner: two whole-grain taco shells with chicken or black beans, fat-free or low-fat cheese, and romaine lettuce
Snack: an apple, banana, or air-popped popcorn
Visit this website for a detailed guided approach to meal planning:
Regular exercise is important for teenagers because it helps maintain their physical and mental health. Teens should strive for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily, aiming to spend less time being sedentary and more time being active.
Other fun ways to exercise!

Movement- movement can help calm strong feelings whether it is anger, anxiety, or whatever it may be. All these forms of movement can help youth of all ages cope with their feelings and problems.
Coping Skills
“Respond; don’t react. Listen; don’t talk. Think; don’t assume” –Raji Lukkoor
Coping skills are methods an individual uses to deal with stressful situations. These may help a person face a situation, take action, and be flexible and persistent in solving problems. Below are different skills and strategies that can be used depending on the person and the situation. It’s important to know that not every coping skill works for every person. In this area you can find different ways people deal with certain stressors.
- Instrument
- Whether it be the piano, guitar, or flute, learning to play an instrument can help youth in many ways. This can be exciting for youth because they can learn to play their favorite song or practice their determination and dedication to the activity. There are many online options that can help youth practice learn a new instrument.
- Sports
- Joining a sports team is a great place for youth to learn teamwork and get some energy out. If this is not an option, practice a sport in the backyard, patio, or in a large room can be fun as well. Physical exercise can help keep youth healthy and even sleep better at night.
- Playing a board game/card
- Games are a great part of a family routine or fun to do with a friend. Having a game night can help families bond and keep youth engaged and involved. It is a great way to learn new skills, develop discipline and create responsibility.
- Art
- Art is great for helping youth express themselves in a creative way. There are so many different types of art that youth can practice and many can be done at home such as painting, coloring, drawing, and photography. This can help youth become more independent, focused, and learn more about themselves.
- Sleep Schedule: The brain and body experience significant development, and the transition to adulthood brings important changes that affect emotions, personality, social and family life, and academics. Having a good sleep schedule will aid in this process.
- Doing nothing– “Doing Nothing” is actually doing something, it is the practice of ‘Mindfulness” and giving ourselves permission to do nothing.
- Clearing Head: When you are in need of tension relief, try one of these techniques.
- Heartbeat Exercises: This exercise teaches youth to notice their heartbeat and use it as a tool to help their focus.
Read a book:
Check out this Barnes and Noble subsection for more books!
If you’re feeling anxious, explore some of these books to learn new coping skills:
Breathing Techniques
Breathe in. Breathe out. We do this all day, every day without a thought. But did you know that deep breathing is one of our easiest, most convenient, and natural tools to combat issues like stress and anxiety and reduce pain. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. Breathing exercises are easy to learn. You can do them whenever you want, and you don’t need any special tools or equipment to do them. Below are some examples of breathing exercises that are simple yet effective!
Writing/Journaling -Journaling is great for youth of all ages. It can encourage them to get out their negative emotions or to help them cope with anything that is going on in their lives. Journaling can be done through writing poetry, current issues, non-stop writing, letters, etc. This is especially good for people who have trouble verbally expressing themselves.

Journaling/Writing Links and Apps:

Prompts to help you get started:
- What makes you happy?
- What makes you sad?
- What is something good that happened today?
- What is something that you feel could have gone differently today?
- What do you hope for in the future?
- What do you get excited to do?
- What do you do when you are upset?

Colors have been shown to bring positive moods to many people. Some colors that have this effect are blue, violet, pink, green, gray, tan, white, and yellow. Below are some activities that they can do and use some of these colors to help them feel calm and de-escalate from a stressful situation.