CARE Coalition 4 th Annual Youth Conference – A Recap

Greetings readers!

This week’s blog is focused on recapping the events from the fourth annual CARE Adolescent Conference that took place virtually on Tuesday, October 25th from 9 am – 2 pm. Below, we will be providing an overview of each session including a description and the key takeaways. Before we jump in, here are this week’s affirmations: 

  • I learn something new and amazing every day. 

  • I appreciate all experiences in my life for the lessons they provide.

  • I let others know they are important, that they matter, and that they are valuable.

The conference kicked off with a welcoming message from Touchstone Health Services Prevention Program Supervisor, Maria Tena, who shared an overview of the day’s events and helped welcome keynote speaker, Brandon Farbstein. 

Brandon Farbstein presented the following:

Ten Feet Tall: Becoming Your Greatest Hero

In this empowering keynote, Brandon provided a one-of-a-kind perspective with his multifaceted approach as a Gen Z thought leader in addition to being someone who lives with a disability. His presentation encompassed the power of being authentic, what he terms ‘the YOUest You’. Brandon encouraged individuals to shift the way they see themselves and others — especially through the lens of empathy. Brandon shared in this unique talk how to foster an amplified life by embracing who you are. 

Audience Takeaways Included:

  • Strengthen your leadership toolkit to show up with greater empathy, compassion, and understanding.

  • Become a change maker by applying universal tools to help you lead a purpose-driven life.

  • Celebrate your uniqueness as a superpower to cultivate greater community, connection, and collaboration.

Following Brandon’s keynote, participants joined the AM Youth Workshop Part 1 presented by Sharon Tuttle, M.M., M.Ed., Regional Program Manager at Bring Change to Mind. Part 1 – Stress and Chemical Reactions focused on how when a person experiences stress, the brain, and body respond by triggering a series of chemical reactions that prepare us to engage with or run away from the stressor. In this session, participants learned how the body’s natural reactions are there to give them clues and guidance on how they react to different situations.

After a brief lunch session, participants viewed the Youth Panel, composed of 9 youths in Alhambra Elementary School District, Glendale Elementary School District, and Glendale Union High School District. The youth shared their answers, opinions, and suggestions to questions surrounding issues in their communities, opportunities for change and growth they see in their environments, and the supporting adults in their lives. Some of the questions included the following:

  • What are some things affecting youth your age today? What are you and your peers most worried about?

  • If you could change one thing in your school or community, what would it be? And why? 

  • How can adults in your community help support youth to be successful?

  • What is something you’re looking forward to in the future? And what is one piece of advice that you would give other youth your age?  

To hear the youths answer’s, make sure to watch the recorded session!

Following the Youth Panel, participants rejoined Sharon Tuttle for the Youth Workshop Part 2 – Controlling the Chaotic Moments. In this session, participants learned that even though our brain and body release natural chemicals to prepare us for reaction, it doesn’t mean we can’t be in control of our decisions in all situations. Participants explored and practiced different strategies we can use to regain control and release the pressure before making decisions that impact ourselves and others. A few of the strategies included:

  • “Follow my feet”

  • Mantras or Poems

  • The A-B-C Method

  • & more!

Overall, there were 11 counselors/teachers/school staff members across 4 different districts in attendance with their students for a total of 178 participants! Thank you to all who joined us!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

  • If you missed the live conference, you can view the recorded sessions using your registration login, or by watching them on our YouTube Page.

  • Share with others what you learned or any information you took away from the conference! If you are an educator, consider introducing these topics and questions in your classroom.

  • Continue learning and growing! Try one of the strategies discussed by Sharon Tuttle or share the encouraging messages from Brandon Farbstein’s Keynote with others! 

  • Save the date for the upcoming CARE conference on Friday, March 3rd, 2023 that will be taking place in person!  Register by visiting