Be Kind to Humankind Week – August 25th-31st 

Greetings Readers!

Chances are, in elementary school you learned the Golden Rule: Treat those as you would like to be treated. We all learned it, we all know it, but do we remember to practice it in our day-to-day lives? The last week of August each year is National Be Kind to Humankind week, and a great reminder of how our actions have an impact on those around us, and the communities we live in. Not only does it benefit the community but being kind is good for people of all ages and has benefits such as increasing a person’s serotonin levels (which helps control moods), and increases energy and happiness while decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression. The CARE Coalition would like to invite you to incorporate kindness into your week using the ideas listed below:

Wednesday, 25th: Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday: Offer your time or a helping hand to others today. Help someone carry in groceries, offer to help with someone’s task or chores, or offer a ride to a friend or family member. You can pick up any trash you see lying around your neighborhood, lay out water or bird seed for birds or animals, or volunteer your time and help to a food bank. 

Thursday, 26th: Thoughtful Thursday: Use today to be thoughtful and considerate of those around you, whether it be at home, at school or at work. Ideas include holding the door open for someone behind you, present someone with their favorite snack or coffee just because you thought of them or write a thoughtful note to a friend or coworker letting them know how important they are to you.

Friday, 27th: Forgive-Your-Foe Friday: There is strength in finding forgiveness for those who have wronged us. Use today to practice thinking kind thoughts about others rather than angry thoughts. Read a book on forgiveness, try to let go of past grudges, and remember it is okay to forgive yourself as well. Forgiveness takes time, so remember that it may not happen all in a day, but every small step is another step towards your goal.

Saturday, 28th: Speak-Nice-Words Saturday: What we say can have a big impact on those around us, both positively and negatively either in person or in writing. Take today to practice thinking about what you are going to say, before speaking. Additionally, lead by example speaking kindly in front of children or offer compliments to those around you. Take care to use kind words on all communication platforms such as social media or texting and emailing, as unkind words cannot be taken back.

Sunday, 29th: Sacrifice Our Wants For Other’s Needs Sunday: It can be easy to forget kindness when we are busy or focused on personal wants and needs. Take time this Sunday to let your desires take a back seat and focus on others by offering help to those in need. Visit a family member or friend who may not be able to travel, offer to help someone you know who may be sick or needs an extra set of hands for a task, donate money or other resources to a charity or foodbank if you are able. 

Monday, 30th: Motorist Consideration Monday: No matter what mode of transportation you are using, there are ways to practice kindness while traveling. If behind the wheel, remember to show kindness to others on the road through patience, avoid participating in road rage, let a car in front of you if there is a long line, stop for pedestrians, and follow all your local traffic laws. If you are traveling with public transportation, do not leave trash where you are, offer your seat to someone who may need it, and remember the other acts of kindness when being near others or speaking to people around you.

Tuesday, 31st: Touch-A-Heart Tuesday: Use today to show your love, appreciation, and gratitude towards others. Ideas include sharing a heartfelt message or letter with someone you care about, make time to listen to others, give a gift to a close friend to make them smile, or thank someone for a time they made you feel loved and appreciated. 

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention Partner:

Check out these resources for more information: