With the holiday season here, it’s hard to think that anyone would not be enjoying the lights, desserts and family gatherings. As fun as it sounds to share this time of year with others, many struggle with depression and substance abuse now more than ever. In fact, according to Drugabuse.com, December has the most drug- and alcohol induced deaths in the whole year along with January and March. There are many factors that play a role in causing many to turn to substance abuse. The stress of traveling to visit family, stress of dealing with the colder weather and of course, the stress of buying presents all play a role. Many find these things to be overwhelming because of all the planning they must make in order to have the perfect holiday. According to a Drugabuse.com survey, people who are stressed out are worried about finances the most, followed by giving gifts and having strained relationship with family. All of these stressors may cause anxiety which in turn can lead to many to rely on substances such as medication and alcohol to ease the feeling of anxiety. Or worse may cause many to overdose or make bad decisions while under the influence. So as much fun as we have at the end of the year, it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone may be excited for the holidays.
Families of those individuals who abuse may find themselves asking how they can both support their loved ones as well as have a fun holiday party. Planning ahead can be the most useful tool to use. As with most parties, alcohol might be present and it can be wise to make sure there are plenty of different non-alcoholic drinks to make sure those who are working on being sober or are heavy drinkers are not tempted to drink liquor. Some people tend to pressure those who aren’t drinking to join them during the parties, family members may step in and be a barrier during those situations. Make sure that the festivities don’t revolve around drinking and more about spending time with your friends and families.
If you are the person who may struggle with alcohol, make sure that you are going to holiday parties with a buddy who will assist you in avoiding temptations. That person will help you maneuver through the festivities and give you support if you are found in an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable and out of place at a party so you want to make sure you can leave the party easily and quickly. Make sure that you park your car in an open space in case you need to leave early. Having a non-alcoholic drink in your hand during parties will help you avoid someone from placing alcohol in your hand. Getting plenty of sleep and eating correctly can help when cravings hit you.
There are many other methods that you can use to make sure that you have an easier holiday season. Remember that whether you are struggling or see otherstruggle, providing support can be the best way to tackle depression or substance abuse. For more information make sure to visit drugabuse.com and our CARE coalition facebook page for more information on mental health and substance abuse.