11 Recipe Ideas for Your Holiday Plates

Greeting’s Readers!

Tis’ the season for cooler weather, friendly gatherings, and happy holidays! We have an exciting blog for you this week; we put together a collection of holiday-inspired recipes all submitted by members of Touchstone Health Services Prevention Department! Before we get to the delicious stuff, here are a few affirmations to set the mood:

  • I am more than the food that I eat

  • Food is not my enemy. I thank it for nourishing me and giving me energy.

  • I enjoy all foods in moderation.

With the holiday season comes an increase in friendly and familial gatherings… which usually means FOOD! Some people wait all year in anticipation of their favorite holiday dish they know they can count on to be on their plate. Other people enjoy switching up the types of food they eat during holiday gatherings. Whichever category you fit in, we hope you will feel inspired by the recipes we have put together. Who knows, you may just find a new holiday must-have!

Take a look!

Here’s how YOU can be a Prevention partner:

  • Share one or more of these recipes with the people in your life; whether it is sharing the cookbook, or baking/cooking one of the recipes and sharing it with a friend!

  • While it is important to enjoy the foods you are eating, and it is okay to indulge in your favorite sweets, remember to balance the sweets with plenty of healthy foods. Fruits and veggies should make up most of your diet. For more information, healthy recipe ideas, tips and tricks for feeding picky eaters, and much more, visit our CARE’s Soothing Place tab!

  • Practice acceptance, diversity and inclusion as we head into the holiday season. Be mindful that not every person or culture celebrates the same holidays, and some may celebrate none at all. However you chose to celebrate, we would like to wish you all a happy holiday season filled with fun and safety!